+ memoirs (2oo'k) :.
+ gratitude vibrates at 54o mhz. being grateful falls on the same level as love. it is one of the highest vibrational frequencies one can be. the more time spent in gratitude & love, the more the body's frequency raises as the healthier the body becomes.
we are always grateful, thank you for joining us.
when we started this, we had a modest goal of wanting to have at least 5,ooo supporters in our new social community.
we achieved that goal within 13 months. then, by month 17 we had 1o times our original goal!
needless to say, we have been humbled & filled with gratitude.
as of last week, our community reached 2oo,ooo & as of today, more than 8 thousand more have joined us.
we sincerely thank each & every one of you for your the love you’ve shown us & for the continued support.
in celebration & to commemorate this moment, we have compiled a reminiscent playlist of 2o gems, curated by our founder & the team via our spotify.
when your time permits, have a sample below. if you’d like more, join us on there as well as on all socials.
again, we thank you & don’t forget to sign up for our mailing list :) 🔻.