+ go for it.

+ sometimes you have to just go for it.

today marks the soft launch of namuhueman.com. i wont waste your time nor mine going over what our mission is nor what we plan to do as there is plenty of information contained on the website itself for that. the thing is, this website almost didn’t happen. it was on schedule to be launched today but as things go & due to the current state of the world it just almost didn’t happen.

as we are all dealing with this coronavirus pandemic, things have been changing & has changed for many of us. the plan initially was to launch today absolutely; but the major force in what we wanted to present had a lot to do with us moving around to different states & countries. in fact, there was a trip planned to nashville to be present at an exciting new art gallery opening up. obviously, that has been postponed.

it was disappointing as we were looking forward to it. not just that one thing, but a succession of several things almost caused a complete cancellation of the launch as the content that we had thought to have ready for the unveiling wasn’t going to happen. from that point the decision was almost made to launch next year, 2o may 2o21 which would have been huge mistake. see here’s the thing, sometimes it’s not about things being perfect or exactly the way you envision them exactly in the moment because sometimes what you have to do is take the first step to simply just get started!

see, sometimes you never know what will happen tomorrow so why not do it today? this site was launched today by a collaborative effort of people & some late nights/early mornings & although it isn’t what we thought, it is everything we expected. what does that mean? we expected it to be well received although it wasn’t what we thought by way of visual content & experience content, even though those things weren’t in place to give it a go, we gave it go & here we are!

in closing, we offer to you that whatever idea you have or expression you want to make, do it! take the plunge & you just may be surprised with the results. we surely were & looking back to go forward it was the best decision to strive forward because once the covid-19 stay at home orders are lifted, we will have a plethora of content to share & the platform to do so.

it’s been great to get the journey started, it’s a marathon & not a sprint so to you we say,

just go for it!

do the scary thing first; & get scared later
— namuhueman